Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Cognitive Development (Piaget and Vygotsky)

INTEGRATIVE TERM PAPER I. Theoretical Perspectives 1. Introduction: There are a number of theorists that have ideas, charts, and graphs about how a child develops. Many are used today to determine when a child is mature, when they can feel emotion, and other important factors to which there are no strict textbook answers for. Piaget and Vygotsky are two theorists that offer theoretical perspectives on how a child develops. 2. Piagets Constructivist Theory of Cognitive Development: Piaget had a phrase that said Assimilation and Accommodation lead to Adaptation. Assimilation is when a person fits his or her external information in with what he or she already knows. The change is external in this case. Accommodation is the exact†¦show more content†¦Equilibrium is what keeps both assimilation and accommodation balanced. Having a well-balanced equilibrium is having a healthy adaptation level. If Assimilation or Accommodation overpower another, a person may develop differently. B. The Four Periods of Cognitive Development in Piagets Theory: This theory is better known as Piagets Stage Theory because it deals with four stages of development. Each stage has its own components and major characteristics that take place. They are all separated by an approximate amount of years which a child would fall under. 1. Sensorimotor: (Ages Birth Ââ€" 2) This stage is primarily physically based. It has to do with building up a type of coordination between sensations that are felt and the movements that cause them or are caused by the sensation. The main movements that a child deals with at this point are involuntary movements called reflexes. During this stage, the child, through physical interactions with his or her own environment, builds a set of concepts about reality, and it really works. 2. Pre-operational: (Ages 2 Ââ€" 7) The child now knows about certain movements and reflexes that happen. Now is the time for the child to realize that there is a differentiation between his or her own self and the other people. A type of egocentric thought begins to develop. 3. Concrete Operational: (Ages 7 Ââ€" 11) At this point, the child has the ability toShow MoreRelatedPiaget And Vygotsky Cognitive Development1040 Words   |  5 Pagesexperience? Dr. Jean Piaget and Dr. Lev Vygotsky were both contributors to the theory of cognitive development. They both believe children are influenced by their environment, however both have different views of how a cognitive development occurs. Understanding the way children learn and take in information is essential to their development. With assistance for the text Development Through the Lifespan by Laura E. Berk (2014), this paper will examine the theories of both Piaget and Vygotsky in regard toRead MorePiaget And Vygotsky Theory Of Cognitive Development Essay826 Words   |  4 Pagesconcept of cognitive development and, highlight both Piaget and Vygotsky’s theory as it relates to cognitive development, and the significant differences between them. The term cognitive development refers to the process of growth and change in intellectual, mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. It comprises of the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. Infants draw on social-emotional, language, motor, and perceptual experience and abilities for cognitive developmentRead More Piaget and Vygotsky: The Psychology of Cognitive Development1701 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay concerns the psychology of cognitive development. Cognitive development can be explained in terms of the acquisition, construction and progressive change in thought processes such as memory, problem-solving and decision-making that occurs from childhood to adulthood (in Smith, P.K., Cowie, H Blades, M. 2003). Major pioneers in this area and whose work has been the foundation of much research in cognitive psychology are among Jean Piaget’s (1926) and Lev Vygotksy’s (1978). A common understandingRead More Cognitive Development (Piag et And Vygotsky) Essay2423 Words   |  10 Pagesdevelops. Many are used today to determine when a child is mature, when they can feel emotion, and other important factors to which there are no strict textbook answers for. Piaget and Vygotsky are two theorists that offer theoretical perspectives on how a child develops. 2. Piaget’s Constructivist Theory of Cognitive Development: Piaget had a phrase that said â€Å"Assimilation and Accommodation lead to Adaptation.† Assimilation is when a person fits his or her external information in with what he or she alreadyRead MoreCognitive Development Theory: Piaget vs. Vygotsky1791 Words   |  8 PagesCognitive Development Theory: Piaget and Vygotsky Why is it that a four year old thinks there is more of water in a tall narrow glass than there is in a short broader glass, when both glasses contain the same amount of water? The answer can be found if one determines the childs developmental level of cognition. In exploring the concept of cognitive development, two names are sure to come up, Piaget and Vygotsky. Cognitive development theory was first coined by Jean Piaget as a biological approachRead MorePiaget And Vygotsky s Cognitive Development Theory1114 Words   |  5 Pagesabout cognitive development, you cannot help but to think about two specific contributors to this area of study, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. First, let us discuss what exactly is cognitive development. Cognitive development is the process of how thought is constructed. This includes language learning, problem solving, reasoning, decision-making, as well as any other mental abilities. Cognitive development begins in childhood and continues to develop all the way through adulthood. Piaget and VygotskyRead MoreSimilarities Between Piaget And Vygotsky And Cognitive Development953 Words   |  4 Pagesa remarkable influence on development and learning. Second, this essay will examine Piaget and Vygotsky’s background, each hypothesis as it relates to cognitive development and education, the similarities and di fferences, the impact of having better insight into and understanding the concept of learning. Developmental science involves looking at the entire realm of human thought, behavior, and expression (Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell Rook, 2011). Cognitive development entails qualitative changesRead MoreComparing Piaget And Vygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development813 Words   |  4 PagesJean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are considered to be very prominent figures in the area of cognitive development. Both of these men considered themselves a constructivist, which entails a viewpoint that is concerned with the nature of knowledge. In their lifetime, both of them made contributions in the area of education and even after death, their theories still influence teaching methods. The purpose of this paper is to show some similarities as well as differences in the theories of Piaget and VygotskyRead MoreVygotsky And Piaget s Theory Of Cognitive Development Innate Or Learned?1241 Words   |   5 PagesComparing Vygotsky and Piaget Jayne Enneking Northcentral University Comparing Vygotsky and Piaget Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Is cognitive development innate or learned? These are two age old questions that have been discusssed extensively. The purpose of this paper is to offer insight into the answer of the latter by briefly comparing and contrasting Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget’s cognitive developmental theories. Both psychologists’ theories will be outlined, as will the similaritiesRead MoreJean Piaget And Vygotsky s Theory On Children s Cognitive Development1507 Words   |  7 Pagespsychologists, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, have shared their knowledge on children’s cognitive development. Both psychologists had their own vision of what stimulates and helps a child grow. Jean Piaget s theory was shaped through the thinking and understanding of how knowledge is built through a series of four stages; preoperational, sensorimotor, formal operational and concrete operational. He believed that the development was with the child themselves. On the contrary, Lev Vygotsky s theory is shaped

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