Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Intensive Handwashing Promotion on Secondary †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Intensive Handwashing Promotion on Secondary. Answer: Introduction: The following Hierarchical Task Analysis simulates a hand washing process analysis. The Hierarchical Task Analysis uses Mary, a woman, as the subject matter expert. The study aims to extract information from the subject matter expert. The use of Hierarchical Task Analysis has been in force in the medical field for a long time. The process began in the 1960s. In some cases, the process started earlier. The process is the most suitable for the analysis of tasks that have structures that are well defined. The process analyses tasks. The tasks always seem to be often performed as opposed to those that have a loose structure. Hierarchical Task Analysis entails the description of the tack regarding the task-subtask hierarchy. The process involves a set of plans, which define the order in which subtasks are performed. They describe the circumstances under which specific subtasks are worked out. Hand washing is the most straightforward medical process that aims to keep the body clean and protect against external infections (Wolfe et al.2017). The hands and poor sanitation spread many medical conditions and processes. Washing hands with soft and clean running water are essential to ensure that the sides remain clean and hygienic(US Department of Health , 2016). The absence of clean running water means the subject can use any available water and soap provided. Alcohol-based sanitizer can be used in the place of soap. The use of hand sanitizers may not be as efficient as the use of a solvent in case the hands are greasy and visibly dirty (To et al. 2017). Washing of hands is essential before eating, after visiting the toilet, before meals and after making contact with possible germ transmitting surfaces. The following Hierarchical Task Analysis begins with the simple model presented at the beginning( Revisor of Statutes Minnesota State , 2016). Washing of hands and preparing the hands for eating or carrying out other high-risk tasks. The initial step is the consideration of the measures Mary takes. One of the most common ways of representing the Hierarchical Task Analysis is by the use of a cycle structure(Boyle, 2017). The following diagram depicts the cycle structure of the Hierarchical Task Analysis diagram. At times, there may be other forms of processes of hand washing you are familiar with. The methods do not have to take the same progression as outlined in the procedure above(Contzen Inauen, 2015). The Hierarchical Task Analysis asserts that the only important thing is the hierarchy. Besides the presentation of the authority, it is important for form plans that are definitive to the possible ordering of the activities. The case shows an array of options regarding possible solutions to the issue of hand washing(Lakea, et al., 2017). The cycle structure of analysis usually is more appealing compared to the other alternatives(Minnesota Board of Nursing , 2016). A method of using text can be used in the place of the cycle diagram. The paper will employ the use of textual notation for external of the description of the hand-washing task. More so, there is need to describe how the other subtasks will be handled(Contzen Inauen, 2015). 1st plan: Do a, b, c and d in any order 2nd plan: Do e then f then g then h then i 3rd plan: Do f then g 4th plan Do h then I then i. The analysis of tasks incorporates creating a general description to the most basic degree possible. In creating the procedure, we may choose to start with the last step and proceed towards the former steps before making the final progress(Nurses Service Organization , 2016). The researchers might make out that it is not necessary to have the towel to dry the hands after washing and hence there is no need to have the towel at the start of the hand washing process(Minnesota Board of Nursing , 2016). The towel might be essential at the point where Mary completes washing her hands. Washing hands with soft and clean running water is essential to ensure that the sides remain clean and hygienic (US Department of Health, 2016). Hand sanitation cannot be replaced by the use of synthetic hand sanitizers. The absence of clean running water means the subject can use any available water and soap provided. Water to be used for hand cleaning must be treated to ensure that it is suitable for hand cleaning. Alcohol-based sanitizer can be used in the place of soap. Hot water can be used in the place of dirty water. The use of hand sanitizers may not be as efficient as the use of solvent in case the hands are greasy and visibly dirty (To et al. 2017). The task analysis takes on different parts at different times and instances. The processes take different levels of precision. The difference in the levels of analysis is regarded as part of the reason for the failure of the entire process. It is therefore seen as something terrible( Revisor of Statutes Minnesota State , 2016). The process is beneficial in this case because it allows Mary to carry out the same purposes in different ways. Keeping the hands clean via hand washing can be likened to the skill of learning a new language like English through modern means like the use of mobile Applications. Current methods of hand sanitation have taken over the skill of hand washing(AACN, 2011). The market is filled with such tools as hand sanitizers which perform the same functions of hand sanitation albeit to a different degree of accuracy and safety. Mobile phone applications perform the function of hand sanitizers(Boyle, 2017). The English language is the epitome of international integration, cultural diversity, and cooperation. The language is the most spoken around the globe besides Chinese and French(Hulland, et al., 2013). Therefore, learning the English language is essential in fostering globalization and in connecting the world. Understanding the language is necessary primarily for the sake of commerce and international trade. Comprehension of the language can also aid in boosting chances for acquiring opportunities of employment. Although not everyone can afford the advantage of learning the language, the advent of new technology has made it possible through mobile applications. Various computer applications, online websites, and online tutorial courses offer courses in the English language abound (Mahmud et al. 2017). Some of the most common English learning Apps include FluentU, Duolingo, Busuu, Mosalingua, Open Language, Memrise, Mindsnacks, and Rosetta Stone. The following comparison discusses English language learning mobile apps. It discusses how they compare to hand sanitation. The use of mobile apps to study English can at times be challenging because of the presence of other mobile apps for playing games and handling other tasks. The process is the most suitable for the analysis of tasks that have structures that are well defined. It helps the user to make a note of the factors that define the su btasks. The process analyses tasks. The tasks always seem to be performed as opposed to those that have a loose structure. Hierarchical Task Analysis entails the description of the tack regarding the task-subtask hierarchy. The student must ensure that all the other applications in the phone remain off to avoid unnecessary destructions. The student can also uninstall all the other gaming applications and restrict his cellphone to the use English language learning Applications. In everything the student does, it all depends on the mindset( Revisor of Statutes Minnesota State , 2016). Success depends on what the student purposes to do in his heart. The student can alternatively choose to download an application that border between gaming and learning. Discipline in mind and heart of the student is the key to excellent performance(National Plan and Provider Enumeration System , 2016). The skill of staying focused is hence essential because it allows the student to make progress in studies. Rosetta stone has exercises created to assist the student in learning the necessary words before they can form basic sentences and phrases(Contzen Inauen, 2015). Although mobile phone applications have flooded the langu age learning market traditional means of language learning through the classroom, suffice. Students can study and learn the English language via mobile apps through the method of classroom learning still reigns(Minnesota Board of Nursing , 2016). The use of guidelines for adaptation and the samples of modification provided help in the adjustment of the Hierarchical Task Analysis. The use of a structured, objective approach for the description of the performance of tasks is essential to keeping track of the processes of hand washing. The task analysis accrues from the human factors of operations and relations(Ram, et al., 2015). The washing of hands is an essential part of the process of sanitation and prevention from germs. The analysis of goals is used to attain individual goals. Mary can break down the significant tasks into minor subtasks to make it easier to understand(Nurses Service Organization , 2016). The use of hierarchical task analysis can help in the design of new systems. Hierarchical task analysis assists in the creation of various possible methods of completing the task. The multiple approaches displayed in the hierarchical task analysis makes it possible to investigate all the possible mechanisms of performance. Lack of a proper Hierarchical Task Analysis process can influence contaminations of various types. Food contamination is the most common form of contamination that cat at times is fatal when taken for granted. Hand sanitation can mean death of the subject when taken the wrong way. Proper hand sanitation means using clean soap and water to wash hands. Contamination can come from the soap in use or even the water. Hand washing is an essential element for the purposes of keeping germs at bay. The moment the Mary has created a hierarchical task analysis the system can serve as a system of effective forms that documents and enables the developers to comprehend the interaction of with a system. It is advisable to make a plan that defines how a hierarchical task analysis combines the subtasks that allows the user to gain any conditions or a particular goal. The Hierarchical Task Analysis process analyses steps and conditions that can be followed for keeping touch with the hand sanitation. Reference Revisor of Statutes Minnesota State . (2016, September 20). 2015 Minnesota Statutes . Office of the Revisor of Statutes Retrieved from : https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=148.171 AACN. (2011, April 11). Nursing Factsheet. American Associaition of College of Nursing Retrieved from: www.aacnnursing.org/News-Information/Fact-Sheets/Nursing-Fact-Sheet American Nurses Credentialing Centre . (2016, September 20). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Eligibility Criteria. American Nurses Credentialing Centre Retrieved from : https://www.nursecredentialing.org/familynp-eligibility.aspx Biswas, D., Sanghvi, F. N., Roy, S., Luby, S., Unicomb, L. (2017). 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